
December 26, 2014

Top 10 of 2014: What I’m looking forward to in 2015

Today's Topic!

Top 10 Books I'm looking forward to in 2015.
This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2015











Make sure you check out my co-host's Top 10 posts!
Jaime at Two Chicks on Books
Rachel at Reading YA Rocks
Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader

Today's Giveaway is Hosted over at Tales of a Ravenous Reader

Now add the link to your list!

December 25, 2014

Top 10 of 2014: My Bookish Boyfriends

Today's Topic!

Best Book Boyfriends of 2014 - 2014 Release REQUIRED

Stop by tomorrow to see my Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2015!

♡ Rowan ♡

Heir of Fire
by Sarah J. Maas

♡ Kaidan ♡

Sweet Reckoning
by Wendy Higgins

♡ Liam & Cole ♡

In The Afterlight
by Alexandra Bracken

♡ Theron ♡

Snow Like Ashes
by Sara Raasch

♡ Adrian ♡

Silver Shadows
by Richelle Mead

♡ Rafe ♡

Kiss of Deception
by Mary E. Pearson

♡ Josh ♡

Sea of Tranquility
by Katja Millay

♡ Warner ♡

Ignite Me
by Tahereh Mafi

♡ Cole ♡

Queen of Zombie Hearts
by Gena Showalter

♡ Aelyx ♡

by Melissa Landers

Make sure you check out my co-host's Top 10 posts!
Jaime at Two Chicks on Books
Rachel at Reading YA Rocks
Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader

Now add the link to your list!

December 24, 2014

Top 10 of 2014: Top 10 Books that caused me insane emotion + Giveaway!

Today's Topic!

Best ________ Of 2014 Readers/Bloggers choice.

Please fill in the blank with one or more of these topics - Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV's, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys, Debuts, ect. REMEMBER - this list MUST be from books you've READ in 2014.

Stop by tomorrow to see my Best Book Boyfriends of 2014 (MUST be from a book released in 2014 and from a book you've READ in 2014)!

Books that caused me insane emotion!


The Sea of Tranquility
by Katja Millay
The emotion: Ugly Cry

The characters in this book are extremely well developed. I sensed this book was going to be a major snot fest, but I wasn't prepared for the bomb that was dropped and how it would unfold. EPIC!


In The Afterlight
by Alexandra Bracken

The emotions: Tears of joy, tears of despair, love and anxiety

One of my favorite moments, and one that had me in tears, was when the characters are reconnected with another character from the previous two books.  I'm trying to avoid spoilers here. This book was a roller coaster of emotions. There were moments of anxiety, despair, tingles, happiness, heartbreak and love. I absolutely loved this book.


Ignite Me
by Tahereh Mafi

The emotions: HAWT, excitement, irritation and anger

My emotions ran really hot and really cold with this book. Tahereh is amazing at connecting with the character's emotions in her writing and this book is no exception. I was glued to this book from the moment I started reading. I loved what she did with Warner and Juliette's relationship, and I was extremely happy for "most" of the characters and the way the story ended. But the one thing that really bothered me was that I really do not like what Tahereh did to Adam's character.  I don't believe he was the same character from the first book. This Adam was mean, hurtful and I just did not like it one bit.


All Our Yesterdays
by Cristin Terrill

The emotions: Intensity, anxiety and excitement but then disappointment

This book was INTENSE! I loved it!  But there is one thing that I found extremely bothersome, and it still bugs me...and that’s when I found out there will not be a second book. Grrrrr!!! It's still worth reading! So good!


The Kiss of Deception
by Mary E. Pearson

The emotions: On edge then pissed off! a good way. ;)

This book was fun following the romance that was developing, and exciting trying to determine who the bad guy was. Mary had me all backwards. Then my heart was ripped out when a certain someone is killed. This character is not a character that we know, but you can just feel the pain of loss. And when the betrayer was finally revealed, I think I flipped my lid. It pissed me the eff off...especially by how it all goes down! I wanted to scream at the book. I'm pretty sure I sent a text to my bookish friends saying, "WTF???" Or . . . something along those lines.


World After
by Susan Ee

The emotion: Mind boggled (is that an emotion? lol)

For those of you that have read either the first book in this series or both, you will know the craziness. Susan's brain is brilliant but a little cuckoo! These books are beyond bizarre; they’re intense but insanely good!


The One
by Kiera Cass

The emotions: Happy then mad

This book was all good with all the warm fuzzies like the previous books. Kiera even succeeded in making my favorite character in this book a character that I absolutely hated from the previous books! But my insane reaction came when that particular character ***** [spoiler]. Yeah I was mad!!! I was so ticked off! Why???


Sisters' Fate
by Jessica Spotswood

The emotion: Insanity

From the previous books we knew where this might possibly be headed, but when it all played out I had no idea that my reaction would be that significant. It was so unbelievably sad! And everything that happened throughout the end in this book was pure craziness.


Famous Last Words
by Katie Alender

The emotion: The heebie-jeebies

I'm actually surprised how much I really liked this book! It was a creepy feeling I kept getting while reading. I will never look at a puddle of water the same.


Plus One
by Elizabeth Fama

The emotion: Irritation

You might find this weird, but this one is all about the kidnappings. I expected irrational behavior from the mothers who had their babies kidnapped, especially since there were several kidnappings. But it just didn't happen the way I'd expected.  I mean, I know that a mom's emotions toward her baby are like a bear’s emotions toward her cub . . . and if you mess with the cub, the claws are coming out and there is no strategy whatsoever in the protective reaction of momma bear . . . it's just pure venomous anger, vicious hate and irrational action!  But since I didn't see the type of behavior I would expect from a mother, I felt this book was not earning the love and attention from me then it might otherwise have deserved. I think I might have given it 5 stars if this didn't bother me so much.

Make sure you check out my co-host's Top 10 posts!
Jaime at Two Chicks on Books
Rachel at Reading YA Rocks
Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader

Must be 13 or older to enter
Open International (anywhere available to ship by Book Depository)
Book of Choice is subject to Book Depository availability

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now add the link to your list!

December 23, 2014

Top 10 of 2014: Stunning Covers of 2014!

Today's Topic!

Best Book Covers of 2014 (MUST be a book released in 2014)
Stop by tomorrow to see my Best ________ Of 2014 (Readers/Bloggers choice)!


Snow Like Askes
by Sara Raasch


by Ally Condie


The Unbound
by Victoria Schwab


A Thousand Pieces of You
by Claudia Gray


In the Afterlight
by Alexandra Bracken


by Marissa Meyer


Burying Water
by K. A. Tucker


The Inventor's Secret
by Andrea Cremer


Ruin and Rising
by Leigh Bardugo


Ignite Me
by Tahereh Mafi

Make sure you check out my co-host's Top 10 posts!
Jaime at Two Chicks on Books
Rachel at Reading YA Rocks
Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader

Today's Giveaway is Hosted over at Reading YA Rocks

Now add the link to your list!