Publisher’s summary:
it's almost
time for war.
Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.
She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.
Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.
In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.

So now that I've read Unravel Me I’m numb! It took several days to process my emotions and all Tahereh Mafi did was prove why I’m an obsessive stalker fan. I almost forgot how amazing her writing style is. Her writing is so amazing that she ripped open all of the emotions that I’m even capable of accessing, stripped them raw, and I’m lucky if I’m left numb enough to recover.
After reading Unravel Me, I’m now struggling with what “Team” I’m on. If you had talked with me before reading Unravel Me, I was, without a doubt Team Adam...because he’s so freakin’ yummy. And Warner? I couldn't stand him! I was so weirded out that there were even Warner fans out there!!! I kept wondering why people would even consider liking that psycho! If you told me before reading Unravel Me that I would have the hots for Warner, I would have laughed in your face! And to be honest, I tried really hard throughout the entire book of Unravel Me, but I couldn't help myself! And yes, I did say it! I have the hots for Warner. But I’m “almost”100% sure that I’m still Team Adam, because he’s still hot and I still love him...but Warner! OK. Enough those two!
I can honestly say that I have strong feelings for every single character in these books now. If I don’t love or absolutely adore a character, I absolutely hate the character with every fiber in my body. One character that I grew to adore more in this book was Kenji. A lot of my most favorite moments were while he was in the book. And I think that he is one of the most important characters that Juliette needs right now. He seems to know how to handle her better than anyone else. But my all time favorite scenes is with Adam’s little brother. I sobbed like a newborn baby.
I struggled with Juliette in this book. There were moments when she actually pissed me off and I almost forgot how messed up she was emotionally. But I had to put myself in check, remember what she went through before the first book and I came to realize that she was only acting like any real person. When I did this, I began to admire her and consider her a strong heroine.
I don’t know what I’m going to do for my sanity now that I have to wait until 2014 for the last book in the trilogy, but I’m going to try really hard to keep my withdraws contained with other awesome books. If you haven’t read Shatter Me or if you have Unravel Me and you haven’t read it NOW! I will not ever stop pimping out these amazing books.

Ditto the whole Adam/Warner thing. Before this book I was totally Team Adam! I don't like bad boys buy after this book....Team Warner!!! Chapter 62 holy frickin cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great review. I and looking forward toward to this book. I'll always be Team Adam. Nothing will sway me. I might even up liking Warner, but in terms of love interest for Juliette, it's Adam all the way. Once I decide, there is no going back for me.
Right now I am soooo green with envy! I wanna read this book sooooo bad!
Lol I had problems with this one. I still get annoyed thinking about Warner/Juliette parts. I still don't get the Warner fans, so I'm still Team Adam all the way! But I agree I really came to love Kenji's character as well. I still really want to read the last book, the way it ended had my curiosity really peaked!
It seems that Juliette might get to me a bit, but this is still one of my most anticipated 2013 books!! And for real? Warner? I can't stand him, so I am going to laugh right now. I can't see myself liking him. I am curious now though knowing you couldn't stand him either. Awesome review!!
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