Publisher's summary: Everything Conatus stands for is at risk. Hoping to gather enough resistance to save their order, Ember and Barrow attempt a desperate escape. But fate offers little mercy. When their mission is exposed, the couple face relentless pursuit by the supernatural horrors that act on the commands of Eira’s ally: the mysterious Bosque Mar. A shocking revelation forces Ember out of hiding, sending her back into the heart of dark magic at Tearmunn keep, where she must convince her old friend Alistair of her love or face dire consequences. Ember’s deception offers the only chance for the resistance to succeed, but what she discovers in the shadows beneath the keep will shatter her world and bring about the Witches’ War.
Richly sensual and full of magic, action and danger, Andrea Cremer's fifth book set in the Nightshade world is an edge-of-your-seat page turner.
I'm disappointing with myself that I haven't read Rise yet! So I want to give someone a chance to win it! This is a QUICK giveaway because the release is Tuesday. Open International shipping and will be ordered through Amazon or Book Depository.
See if I'm running any other giveaways HERE!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

For me, the Nightshade series got better as the series went on. Nightshade I didn't really like, Wolfsbane I liked, abd Bloodrose I loved. I haven't read Rift yet but I DO own it and will be getting to it soon! I would really love to add Rise to my Andrea Cremer collection! Thanks for the chance to win! <3
~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf
I've only read the first book in Nightshade. And although I am not a big fan of werewolves, I think the plot is really amazing. I didn't like the characters, though. I still plan on reading the rest of the trilogy but not real soon. And I'm looking forward to read the rest of her books!
I have not read either book but i am going to look intot hem! this book sounds very, very interesting.
I've read the Nightshade trilogy as well as Rift, and I absolutely LOVED them! Well, except for Bloodrose. I like this prequel trilogy better, though, so I'm really looking forward to Rise!
I read the first book but I didn't get to finish it yet. I'm planning to though.
Lisa @ Shatterbooks
I haven't read the books.:(
The cover looks pretty awesome, I haven't read the series hopefully when i get the chance i will
The cover looks pretty awesome, I haven't read the series hopefully when i get the chance i will
I haven't read either of the series but it seems interesting so I'd love to read it !
I love the Nightshade trilogy! I love how Andrea played with the wolves' mythology and blend some magic with it.
I haven't read all of the Nightshade Trilogy yet, but I'm getting there. I've read half of Nightshade already and I like the storyline about wolves.
I haven't read the Nightshade series yet, but have books 1 and 2 ready to go. I have pledged to read it this year though. Thanks for the giveaway.
No, I haven't read the Nightshade Trilogy or Rift, but I would like to read them.
I haven't read the Nightshade series yet, but have nightshade ready to go!
thanks for the giveaway!
Yes! I've read all the Nightshade books and Rift! Cannot wait to read this one either!
I bought Nightshade, but I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Thank you for this giveaway! :D
I loved the Nightshade trilogy, its one of my favourite series. I really enjoyed Rift and cant wait to read Rise :)
Read Nightshade trilogy I still need to read Rift, I was suppose to read it in the summer but things got crazy :) and I haven't had the chance to yet
I have read them all.and loved them. I cant wait to read this one!!
I read the Nightshade series and LOVED the books ... until the last one. I HATED the way that series ended. So disappointing. So for that reason I have been reluctant to read Rift even though it has gotten great reviews. I'm sure I'll get around to it though, because Andrea Cremer is a good writer, even if I did feel wounded the way she finished the Nightshade series. :)
I've read the Nightshade triology and let me just say that Andrea Cremer created quite an amazing emotional ride. The story got better and better with each book!
I read Nightshade and LOVED IT! I met Cremer last Spring when Rift was released. I am reading rift now. I love her writing.
I would read this series
Not yet! That's why this giveaway is so exciting!
Raffle name: Nikki O
I began the nightshade trilogy and have enjoyed it!
Yay! I'm looking forward to this release. It sounds like it has great characters and action!
I've read all of them, and really loved Rift! Can't wait for this book.
Can't wait to read it!
I love :-)
I love :-)
I haven't read Nightshade yet, even though my copy is sitting pretty on my bookshelf. I'm still reading through my pile of books I bought back in 2006!!
I have Nightshade and plan on reading it this month!
I've read only the first two books in the nightshade trilogy. I have yet to read the last. So far, they are kinda boring.
I've read the Nightshade Trilogy and Rift! I loved the Nightshade Trilogy up until the ending of Bloodrose. That just made me die a little inside. I really loved Rift though! I thought it was fantastic!!
I haven't read either of them but have heard good things about Rift, especially.
I've read all of Andrea Cremer's werewolf books! There all so flipping amazing! :D Can't wait for the release of Rise!
Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn
No, I haven't yet, but they sound like interesting reads!
No, not yet but I recently ordered it and can't wait to get started!!
Jolene A
I've not read the trilogy or Rift yet. I hope to get to them soon, I hear they are excellent. Thanks for the giveaway, Happy 2013!!
I haven't but I have been wanting to read them, they sound like intersesting books! :)
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! I haven't had a chance to read this author yet and I would love the chance ;)
I have all the Nightshade series books, but I've only read the first one, so really need to get to them! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :D
I havent read any of the series yet but I would love to. They are on my list of tbr. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com
I haven't read any of them yet, but they're on my tbr list.
I've only read Rift and I loved the book and the writing. Thank you for the giveaway :)
I haven't read it yet but it's high up my TBR list! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
This is off-topic, but may I know what is the name of this font? I love it! And I would very much like to use it for my scrap-booking :)
I haven't had the pleasure of reading either yet, which is really sad considering how much I want to read them. I just get buried in review books.
Which is why I signed up for the TBR Challenge. I will read my TBR books!
I haven't read the books yet, but they're on my TBR list so I'll read them eventually. ^_^
I've not yet read the Nightshade trilogy. It sounds great!
I haven't read them but I want to! If I win this book it would be the perfect opportunity! :)
I haven't read any of Andrea Cremer's books. Hopefully, I win!
I haven't read them yet but I have two of them! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I still need to read all of her books. They sound really good. :)
I haven't read the books yet, but I've been wanting to. Thanks!!
I have not read the books yet, but they are on my TBR list. I love the covers and the story and I hope I'll read them in the near future. Thank you for the giveaway!
I haven't read any of the books, but I've heard a lot about the series. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
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