Expected publish date:
February 19, 2013
Publisher's summary: Two sisters, bound by impossible choices, are determined to protect each other—no matter the cost.
James's frozen face melts into a smile. "Do you want to know the trick to getting in trouble under the watchful eye of a psychic?"
I think of the nailed-shut windows. I think of Clarice. I think of the two, the two, the two who are now zero. Tap tap. "Yes, I absolutely do."
"Don't plan it. Don't even think about it. The second you get an inkling of what you could do, do it then. Never plan anything ahead of time. Always go on pure instinct."
I smile. "I think I can do that."

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This one is definitely a crazy read... quite enjoyable, though. Hope you'll like it. =)
I love this cover!! I hope you like the book!!
I so can't wait for this too.
I love this cover and I feel like we have all been waiting for this one forever!!! NEW FOLLOWER
Check out my WOW!
So excited for this one-I've heard it's a switch from the Paranormalcy trilogy but I have confidence in White's ability to give us a great new story!
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