Best Book Boyfriends of 2013 (MUST be from a book released in 2013 and from a book you've READ in 2013)
Stop by tomorrow to see my Top 10 Books I'm looking forward to next year!
I thought this list would be harder because I read a lot of books that were released previously to 2013 but I was able to accomplish it! But I'm still going to list one at the end that I'm totes in love with but the book was released in 2012.
I've loved Adrian since Vampire Academy. I so love that we get to follow his love story in this series and Fiery Heart was perfect!

Need I say more? Do I need to explain?

I started this book loving Jack. Then I hated him and fell for Death. Now I'm hating Death and back to Jack. LOL Death really pissed me off.

He had a lot of DB moments in this book but he's still hawt! And he redeemed himself.

He should be Tessa's one and only...Just sayin'.

Tobias (Four)
Love him! Oh Four!!!!

What a man!

Prince Maxon
America better choose him because he's so much funner!

He melted my heart!

I can't help but to call him one of my BB!

One I wish to have on this list!
But unfortunately this book was released last year!
This boy deserves to be at the top!
Augustus Waters
Every time I think about this boy my heart melts!

Make sure you check out my co-host's Top 10 posts!
Two Chicks on Books

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Now add the link to your list!
*sigh* I adore Will Herondale! He is the best. And Warner! I loves him. Such a great list you have here.
Love these and agree with too many to list! Seriously! :)
My Best Contemporary picks!
Great list! Cole is on my list, too. I still need to meet the rest :)
Thanks for hosting & for sharing :)
Aleksandra @ Aleksandra’s Corner
Adrian is my true love! And I love Warner too!
Looks like Adrian is on just about every list. :3
Glad to see that Beast made it too!
Warner is on my list as well! :) Who could resist him!
Awesome list! We have four of the same; Warner, Adrian, Kaidan and Four :) oh, we should totally be allowed to cheat and have Augustus on our lists ;) He's the ultimate book boyfriend!
I love your list! Many of my fave YA boys are on it. :)
Ugh, Will from Clockwork Princess for the win! I was Team Will from day one and that epilogue just broke my heart. I don't want to talk about it. (I might skip it when I reread the series, lol)
Fallon Vaughn
Warner - Unravel Me
Dameon - Origin
Caleb - Scorched
Prince Maxon - The Elite
Jack made it to all three hosts' list and I agree. The only other I know on your list is Adrain, although I only know him from VA series but I remember him being yummy.
I sure love Will in the Infernal Devices series. He was just so perfect. I loved Jem too but nowheres near how hard I fell for Will! I need to read quite a few of the others but great list!
Hahahaha you and I have such different ideas on a couple of these! Death did not do what you think he did ;) and after what Maxon did I'm Team Aspen all the way lol but I totes agree about Will I hated how Cassie ended that series it was such a cop out.
Augustus & Four! <3 I absolultey love them! :)
The other books I have not read so I can't say.
Great Boyfriend picks although I think most you list I haven't read or in other sense meet yet :-)
I only know Beast and Four and I agree with those choices!
Kai, Will, Four, Warner! WOO HOO! Love those choices I don't know the others. Great list!
Interesting list
Adrian is probably my #1 from the year as well. Oh my!
Awesome list! Warner has been my favorite character in that series since Shatter Me- he's so incredibly unique and such an amazing development throughout the books.
Adrian is just so absolutely perfect. I've come to adore him in the Bloodlines books. Tobias, Warner, and Augustus have my heart as well.:)
Great choices. I would choose Jennifer Estep's Owen Grayson from the Elemental Assassin series for my top choice.
Oooh, how I love Will, Four, Hector, and Maxon! I think I love Hector the most, though. I mean, how could anyone resist him? :) And if America doesn't end up with Maxon, I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself. He is so much more fun! URGGGG. Anyways, great picks!!
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
I haven't met all of these yet. Soon I hope.
Adrian! <3 And I just couldn't pick between Jem and Will. Love them both!
Kaidan and Hector were also on my list! *fans self*
I was thinking of including Warner, but even though I'd choose him before Adam I wasn't too sure of adding him to my list, I'm not sure if I could handle how messed up the poor guy is!
Some of yours i would list on mine as well! I love Cole and Kaidan.
Loved Endless Night !!
I only know Beast, but he totally melted my heart too! Ooh, Hector sounds like quite the man ;) Definitely adding a few of these to my TBR list since a few of then definitely sound like fan favourites! Great list, thanks for sharing!
Here's my Top Ten book boyfriends at Bookmunchies (:
Oh, Will... I heart him ;)
Hunter from Obsession by Jennifer Armentrout
Dameon from Origin by Jennifer Armentrout
Zak from Waterproof by Amber Garr
Tobias (Four) from Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Prince Maxon from The Elite by Kiera Cass
I completely agree about Clockwork Princess I felt a little cheated because it was an ending that everyone can benefit from that no choice was really made because convenience came into play and tied every loose end up. While with The Selection series Maxon grew in character and America seemed to regress for me.
Awesome picks! I love almost all those guys except Cole and Jack but that is because I havent read the books. I was Team Jem from the beggining in Infernal devices but I liked Will too so I was happy how it all ended.
I must, must, must read The Fault in Our Stars. I've heard so many fabulous things about it. I, too, love Tobias.
Will and Cole for sure
Yes, Prince Maxon!!! I'm upset with his behavior in the last book, but his SWOON WORTHINESS completely makes up for it!! :D
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