Best Books Read in 2014 (Doesn't have to be released in 2014, just a book you've read in 2014)
Stop by tomorrow to see my Fave Book Covers of 2014!
In The Afterlight
by Alexandra Bracken

Heir of Fire
by Sarah J. Maas

Snow Like Ashes
by Sara Raasch

The Kiss of Deception
by Mary E. Pearson

Sweet Reckoning
by Wendy Higgins

Ignite Me
by Tahereh Mafi

Silver Shadows
by Richelle Mead

World After
by Susan Ee

The Treatment
by Suzanne Young

Sisters' Fate
by Jessica Spotswood

Make sure you check out my co-host's Top 10 posts!
Jaime at Two Chicks on Books
Rachel at Reading YA Rocks
Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader

Today's Giveaway is Hosted over at Two Chicks on Books
Now add the link to your list!
Lol you and I have more books in common than me and Rachel or Nancy or you and them!
IGNITE ME was an amazing read. It's one of the highlights of my 2014 reading journey and just... Warner. :) lol
Here's my list of the Best Books I've Read in 2014
Ignite Me and Silver Shadows will be on lots of lists today I'm sure! Adrian and Warner! Sigh...Really want to read Snow Like Ashes. I read Sweet Evil during your read-along but haven't had a chance to finish the series. Will soon!
Best Books I’ve Read in 2014
All of these are on my TBR, but still haven't started, with the exception of the Throne of Glass series, which I've gotten behind on... So, great list, Mindy, I'm glad you loved these, and hopefully, I'll finally read some of them in 2015 :)
Best Books I’ve Read in 2014
I also read Silver Shadows this year, although it didn't make my post of best books I read this year, I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the last book in the series! I've heard about most of the other books you listed here or seen them around the blogosphere, but I haven't read them.
Heir of Fire is my absolute favorite book this year. And I loved Ignite Me. I read Sweet Reckoning but I wasn't particularly impressed with it. I have yet to read the others but have heard Snow Like Ashes And The Kiss of Deception are great. Nice list!
Hi, I have Heir of Fire and World After that I haven't read yet! I blame Game of Thrones for not being able to start anything new. wah.
All our lists are so different this year! And lol to Jaime - yeah yours are. But that's because I've read such different books. But I totally have to read the final - it's final right - book in Alexandra Bracken's series. OMG afraid to. I know it will be awesome but afraid to. And I also forgot SWEET RECKONING released in 2014. KMN I forgot IGNITE ME, too. Ugh. Though I was not in love with the epilogue on SR I did love how everything ended before that!
Great picks. Must read HoF. Must get caught up on that series too!
Most of these books are on my TBR. I really need to read Ignite Me soon. Thanks for hosting and have a great holiday!!
So many of these are on my TBR! I'm starting to think I didnt read enough this year. Awesome picks. I'll be adding World After to my TBR immediately :)
I have a love/hate relationship with these lists! They remind me of all the books I NEED to read! Great list!
I will definitely be reading In the After Light because I have the first two and I am all set up with the novella compilation and first two books of The Maas series. Snow Like Ashes is on my radar because my feature co-host loved it. Thanks for hopping to my blog!
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