After facing certain death at the hands of the man responsible for their mysterious past, Krista and her friends learn the truth behind their origins and the purpose for their newly discovered abilities. Now, they must band together to fulfill their inherited, sacred duty. As Guides and Protectors, they must save Mankind's Forgotten Souls before they are lost forever.

My Take: If any of you have chatted with Tiffany King on twitter, then I guarantee that you will agree with me that she is probably the sweetest person existing on twitter. But after I finished Forgotten Souls, I have come to the realization that Tiffany is capable of being mean because the ending to Forgotten Souls is outright cruel. I can almost hear the evil laugh coming out of that sweet Tiffany. But dang…she is a creative, compelling and fabulous writer! She has created a fantasy series not like any other series out there! Truly unique!
Forgotten Souls is the perfect sequel to Meant to Be. The majority of Meant to Be was primarily about 2 teen couples (Krista’s with Mark and Sam’s with Shawn) finding the one they are meant to be with for the rest of their lives. And it isn’t because they are just soul mates; they are Angels living as humans and have been paired up to complement each other. Their purpose is to go out and save the lost souls of people that have been hurt to avoid them from the temptation of The Dark One. In Meant to Be there was this fabulous, non-complicated romance that we find in a lot of teen romance books nowadays and then BAM we are hit with action. In Forgotten Souls they now know their purpose and they have found another couple just like them (Lynn's with Robert) and they know that there is one more couple out there. But Mark’s father is using the other couple for his evil purposes.
The three couples meet a hunk of an Archangel, Haniel, and he has come to them to teach them how to free lost souls. I was fascinated about the whole process and how this book had more craziness and action! There is a part in the book that I had my eyes bugging out of my head when Krista does something with her angelic powers to a few snobby girls from their school who have bullied Krista and Sam! It was freakin’ awesome! At about the middle of the book, the 3 couples plan a huge challenge to save a huge group of lost souls and it almost costs them their lives.
After all this fabulousness, their lives all take a turn for the worst. They know that they will soon have to face their worst enemy…Mark’s father (Satan’s little helper!) He has already done horrible things to both Krista and Mark and I couldn’t even imagine where this would lead.
The end of the book is majorly chaotic and action packed! And THEN…Tiffany rips my heart out, stomps on it to no repair and I sitting here thinking, “how will I ever recover from this ending?”
This was a relaxing, entertaining and easy read. So if you are looking for something to take your mind away from life, this is a series you should totally consider!
Received review request from author.

Awesome review, Mindy. I totally agree with you about Tiffany being the sweetest person ever and the cruelest, too. I can't wait to read book 3.
Nice review! I think Tiffany really stepped up her game in Forgotten Souls. I can't wait for book 3!
Everyone can't wait for book three, but heart ripped out and stomped on the floor? "Easy Read." "You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
I agree Mindy I can't wait for book 3 great review.
To the person who commented above me I think the phrase "Easy Read" is subjective. What I believe Mindy meant was that it was a quick easy read. You can still have your heart ripped out and stomped on the floor with a fast read. Also there was no reason to be rude about it.
I completely agree with the above comment by Two Chicks on Books.
And as far as the comment above that - how does she know how heartbreaking it was or wasn't for Mindy? That, too, is subjective. Isn't that what any author wants? To have a reviewer be passionate about their books? And for an author to put down a reviewer for voicing her feelings and being this affected by the book is sad.
Does that commenter believe that when a reviewer says they're "dying to read" a book that they're truly headed for the infirmary?
I loved your passion for Forgotten Souls. Great review!
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