December 6, 2011

The Ascended Blog Hop - Haniel Q&A

Archangel Haniel has resided in the heavenly realm since the days Noah walked the earth. He stands at an imposing 7’1” tall with a body even Adonis would envy. His golden hair and ocean blue eyes have made him a heartthrob for every female that has been blessed with the opportunity to catch a glimpse of him. He posses the knowledge and wisdom fitting his centuries in existence, but still lacks an understanding of the human sense of humor. In his many lifetimes among human beings, he has loved only one woman. He can often be found meditating, enjoying the wondrous beauty of the heavenly realm.

♥Mindy - Hi Haniel! Thank you for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads. In order for us to proceed with this interview, I would prefer that you would remove your shirt. Would this be alright with you?
♥Haniel - [Silence]

♥Mindy - Oh...Kay! First, I have several questions that I’m sure many women out there want to know.

♥Mindy - Are you off limits?
♥Haniel - Off limits? Yes, it is not in an Archangels nature to consort with human women.

♥Mindy - Would it be against the rules for you to have a woman?
♥Haniel - The Light has allowed us to choose our own set of rules when it comes to dealing with earthly women that are foreign to us.

♥Mindy - Have you ever been attracted to a woman or had a mate?
♥Haniel - Many years ago I had feelings for one woman that went against the standards I set for myself.

♥Mindy - What would happen if you had a mate?
♥Haniel - I do not know the answer to this question.

♥Mindy - What do you do when you are not training Protectors and Guides? Do you do anything just for fun?
♥Haniel - I spend the moments, I’m not on the heavenly realm, watching over those I once let down.

♥Mindy - One of your jobs is to train Protectors, but you are obviously pretty fit yourself! Do you have to work out to keep your rock solid abs or does that come with the package of being an Archangel?
♥Haniel - I am able to choose whichever shape I wish when I’m on the earthly realm. This form matches my heavenly stature the closest. It seems to be well received.

♥Mindy - Heck Yes! Nice choice! OK, lets move on. Do you sleep?
♥Haniel - Sleep is not a need of an Archangel. I do enjoy meditating which is a close to the sleep humans partake in.

♥Mindy - And do you have a bedroom?
♥Haniel - My heavenly home is the land The Light has given us. There is no need for dwellings in the heavenly realm.

♥Mindy - How do you travel so quickly from one place to the next?
♥Haniel - I merely think of a location and I am there.

♥Mindy - Oh! I totally need that ability! Have you ever been tempted to help the Protectors and Guides?
♥Haniel - I have had the desire to help one Guide in all the time I have walked among humans. At the time I hesitated offering my assistance and lives were lost by my hesitation.

♥Mindy - What would The Light do to you if you helped them?
♥Haniel - The Light is forgiving but he would have replaced me with a more suitable leader. The punishment would have been well worth it

♥Mindy - What would happen to an Archangel if they followed The Dark One?
♥Haniel - They would become an important ally to The Dark One. Their powers would help serve his purposes and he would relish having them at his side.

♥Mindy - Will we be seeing a lot of you in The Ascended? If we do, then can you keep your shirt off?
♥Haniel - I will be assisting Krista a great deal as she learns to accept who she has become. I will also be carefully watching over The Links as they face circumstances unlike any they have seen before. And, I am unsure of the acceptable answer for that second question.

♥Mindy - Thanks again for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads and drop by anytime!
♥Haniel - I found it quite to my liking though the questions did seem strange at times with the desire to see me disrobe my upper body.

★★★Leave a comment if you want Haniel to remove is shirt!!!★★★

The Ascended Blog Hop

Giveaway Hosted by Tiffany King
Now for the good stuff the prizes:
  1. Regular prizes: Every 3 days, I will pull the names of people that have left comments on the previous 3 blogs and will do a random drawing for an ebook of one of The Saving Angels books. Over the course of the 24 day blog hop 8 ebooks will be given out.
  2. Grand Prizes (woot woot): For every person that leaves a comment on one of the blogs they will be entered in to win a signed poster of one of my book covers. 3 posters in all will be given out (one of each of the book covers). I will also be giving away a signed set of all three books so you will have 4 different chances to win a grand prize. Extra entries will be given out for every blog you leave a comment on, so if you visit all 24 blogs you will have 24 entries into the grand prize drawing (eek).
Listed below is links to all the blogs The Ascended Tour will hit:
December 4th  Courtney Cole
December 5th  M. Leighton
December 6th  Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
December 7th  Nichole Chase
December 8th  Two Chicks on Books
December 9th  The Autumn Review
December 10th  Shelly Crane
December 11th  Jamie Corrigan
December 12th  Jennifer Snyder
December 13th  Devyn Dawson
December 14th  Laura Elliot
December 15th  Fiktshun
December 16th  Bookish Babes
December 17th  Tess Watson
December 18th  Megan Duncan
December 19th  Hey it’s Fishy
December 20th  Abbi Glines
December 21st  C.A Kunz
December 22nd  Teenage Reader
December 23rd  Secret Lives of Fiction Lovers
December 24th  Michelle Muto
December 25th Christmas Day
December 26th  Amy Jones
December 27th  Fisher Amelie
December 28th  John Harden
December 29th  Sean Hayden



ebaker said...

Nice interview! I don't think Haniel wanted to take his shirt off :( Oh well!

melissa said...

Great interview with Haniel! Hope we find out more about him (and his body) in the next book :D loved the first two books cant wait for the next one!

Mandy IReadIndie said...

DISROBE HANIEL!!! great and funny interview.

Bookluvr Mindy said...

Ha!ha!ha! I tried making Haniel uncomfortable and wanted to watch him squirm. But I was REALLY hoping he would remove his shirt.

Brittni guillen said...

Rofl oh well maybe we'll get lucky next time

Jaime said...

Great interview, Mindy! I loved that you tried to "disrobe" him!!! LOL ;)

jkrowyn said...

I'm all for Team Disrobe Haniel!! Maybe if we get enought votes he'll do it. Maybe for world peace? Thanks for the great interview!!

Artesia at comcast dot net

Mary Preston said...

Take your shirt off Haniel. He's not listening to me.


Anonymous said...

Great interview. I love reading about angels. Please enter me in contest.

Anonymous said...

This kid is hilarious!! Too bad he didn't do it shirtless :) good luck everyone!! I'll repost so everyone knows about this :)

Evie said...

Hahahah *falls down laughing and rolls around* this is such a hilarious interview! LOL!!! I love it! Mindy, you are brilliant, the comment about removing his shirt in order to proceed just killed me xD


Unknown said...

Too funny! I think Haniel's short story is my favorite of all the Saving Angels stories.

Fictional Book Blog said...

Nice Book

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