Author Summary: Reychel knows her gift of prophecy will lead to madness and now she is at her most vulnerable. The enemy army will attempt to sever her from everything she's ever known: her homeland, her friends, Mark, and her gift. Even at her weakest, she refuses to give up on her desire to end the war between the Malborn and the Serenians. Reychel would do anything, even come back from the dead, to conquer the enemy and reunite with Mark.

My Take: OMG! Severed is insanely, amazingly good! I can hardly express how fabulous this book is! I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night because of this book! Yep, as soon as I started reading Severed, I ignored all obligations and was sucked back into the world of the Cloud Prophet Trilogy. And from the moment I finished Oubliette, I’ve been impatiently waiting for my review copy of Severed, wondering what additional craziness Megg had up her sleeve, and she didn’t disappoint ONE BIT!
Megg Jensen’s books are more unique than any other books I’ve ever read. She’s created a very magical (but twisted!) world, and she always throws in these crazy plots and character twists. From start to finish there is ALWAYS something intense happening. Megg’s an amazing writer, and I’m still in awe that she’s able to write such great stories in books way smaller than I normally read . . . short books where I get as much out of, if not WAY more out of, than I do with any other books that I read. The best part of her books, particularly this one, is that I literally have to brace myself while reading because I feel if I haven’t correctly anticipated that something crazy is about to happen (and then it does!) that I will not be able to handle it. And I was STILL completely caught off guard in several parts throughout Severed.
As I was coming close to the end of this book, I started to get really worried because a NEW bunch of craziness had arisen, and I was worried that it wouldn’t all be resolved by the end of the book! Because who could pull that off? Well Megg totally pulled it off, and she created the BEST ending imaginable to her Cloud Prophet Trilogy! The ending was soooo good that I was sobbing and, to calm myself down, I actually read all of her acknowledgments!! I almost never do that, and I’m pretty sure I read her acknowledgments in Oubliette as well!
This is a series I would HIGHLY recommend to anyone!

Received review copy from author for my honest review.
Wonderful review!!!
I love this series. People talk all the time about reading a book and then feeling the need to go back and reread it again at a later time. I am not sure if it's sad for me to say this or not, but I have never ever had that feeling. I felt somewhat privileged to always feel content when I finished a book, content to the point I could pass it on without hesitation.
That didn't happen with this series. In fact, I own it for my Nook, and in print. I have read Anathema twice. So now I can say that I understand when people say they feel the need to read something again.
This year in reading has brought MANY surprises my way. I'm so glad that this series was one of them!!!
Stephanie O.
I totally agree Stephanie!
I have the first book in this series, but I haven't read it yet. I'm going to have to get it higher up on my TBR pile. Sounds amazing!
Great review, too, Mindy!
Like Cathy, I also have Anathema, but haven't read it yet. I've always thought this series looks like a great read.
Great review!
Ooh so this is book 2 in a series? I haven't heard of it before I don't think. But I really like the sounds of it. Sounds like a series I would really enjoy!!
Xpresso Reads
Giselle, it is actually the last in the trilogy. The first is Anathema, second is Oubliette and this is the final.
This series sounds great!
Awesome review, Mindy!!
A Cupcake and a Latte: Young Adult Reviews!
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