Publisher's Summary: They say that the cure for Love will make me happy and safe forever. And I’ve always believed them. Until now. Now everything has changed. Now, I’d rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years smothered by a lie.

My take: I’ve read some pretty awesome books that end with a crazy, twisted cliffhanger. But I think the ending to Delirium is by far the worst, most horrifying cliffhanger EVER! It cannot possibly get any worse than this! I’m left sitting here thinking, “Noooooooo!!! What? Did that seriously just happen? No, it can’t be! Really? No! Lauren Oliver wouldn’t do that to her readers! Seriously? WHY?” Because what happens at the end of Delirium is the absolute worst possible ending you could ever imagine. And, NO, I’m not exaggerating…it’s that crazy! WAIT…let me take that back…because as I sit here, I can think of only ONE worse scenario that could have happened at the end.
The whole concept to the world that Lauren Oliver has created is amazing! I was in love, and now I’m depressed! So that means I must be sick…and someone needs to take me to the doctor because I think I’m suffering from deliria. Yeah, when you read Delirium, you’ll know exactly what I mean by that!
To be completely honest, I had no clue what this book was about when I picked it up. I didn’t even know that this series was Dystopia! I tend to just keep my eyes open for books that people rave highly about or give extremely positive reviews and avoid the plot detail. I knew that people loved this one, so I was eager to pick it up and start reading it. I’m absolutely thrilled that I did, even though I’m still extremely upset with the ending.
I thought for sure that this book was going to be predictable, and I even had it all mapped out in my head how the story was going to play out. While reading I kept thinking, “See, I knew it would head in this direction.” And at one point I even thought the story was moving too slow. Not so slow that I wasn’t entertained (because I was still compelled to keep reading), but I still thought, “Can we move along now?” But, boy oh boy, was I ever completely wrong! The wait was totally worth the crazy revelations, action, intensity and heart wrenching ending. In fact, the first revelation/twist had me shocked so much that it literally had me gasping for air…as did that horrifying cliffhanger ending!
And now that I’m finished with my review, I’m gonna pick up Pandemonium and start reading it, like right now!

Buy Delirium here:

YES! That ending. Worst/best/most surprising/most heart-breaking/most depressing/gut-wrenching ending in the history of ever. Damn. It was such a horribly amazing way to end the book. I can't even be totally mad or upset because it was so bomb, ya know?
I so glad you finally picked it up and loved it!! Besides The Hunger Games, this book really cemented by love for Dystopians! <3
I agree that it did drag a bit in the beginning but as soon as you hit that middle point BAM! It totally takes off and it's just crazy good!
Awesome review! I can't wait to see what you thought of Pandemonium!! (sorry for the ramble comment!)
YAYAYAYAY DELIRIUM!!!! I freakin love this book, it's just too amazing!!! I knew it was dystopian when I picked it up only because I search for dystopian books hahahah!! Great review!!
I've only very recently become interested in Delirium. I guess because everyone is talking about Pandemonium. Now, I feel as if Delirium is a must-read. I'm going to get this the first chance I have. I'm not a huge dystopian book fan, but this one sounds unique enough to stand out.
Great review!
I haven't read this yet!! Make sure you check out the song by my friend DJ Desmyter it is the official song for the book!
I loved this book so much! I am going to be reading book 2, this month for review. Very excited!!
Great review.
So glad you enjoyed this book Mindy :)!! What an ending ? It blew me away and I've been desperate to read Pandemonium since !! I met Lauren last year and she was super nice which made me even more excited to read the second book ..
I can't wait to read your review on the sequel .. Happy reading :)
I can't wait to read this and purposely didn't so I don't have to wait long for the sequel.
Safari Poet
I really need to read this one - it sounds SO great and everyone keeps loving it :)
Horrifying cliffhanger? Definite check. I'm pretty sure I walked around like a zombie for the rest of the day - in total shock!
I read this one last year and it's a really high quality read. The idea of love being considered a disease needing to be cured is really interesting, and dealt with very well in the story.
I'm not really a huge fan of this book, though it was enjoyable and that ending is very cliffy! Very nice review.
Ooh I have to read this soon I've heard really great things and I love dystopians! Wonderful review!
Xpresso Reads
You're lucky you got to read them right in a row cause I read Delirium like 6 months before it was even released and I've been dying ever since. That cliffhanger was the WORST cliffhanger EVER! And I didn't manage to get an ARC of Pandemonium so I'm still waiting to find out more. But I'm so terrified! I'm happy you've finally read this one!
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