Publisher’s summary: History is on repeat, and things didn't go so well the last time.
Alexandria isn’t sure she’s going to make it to her eighteenth birthday--to her Awakening. A long-forgotten, fanatical order is out to kill her, and if the Council ever discovers what she did in the Catskills, she’s a goner... and so is Aiden.
If that’s not freaky enough, whenever Alex and Seth spend time "training"--which really is just Seth's code word for some up-close and personal one-on-one time--she ends up with another mark of the Apollyon, which brings her one step closer to Awakening ahead of schedule. Awesome.
But as her birthday draws near, her entire world shatters with a startling revelation and she’s caught between love and Fate. One will do anything to protect her. One has been lying to her since the beginning. Once the gods have revealed themselves, unleashing their wrath, lives will be irrevocably changed… and destroyed. Those left standing will discover if love is truly greater than Fate...

My take: I’m completely blown away by how amazing and exciting this book is, and I feel like there is so much to blabber about! The thing I got most excited about in Deity was that we actually get to see the gods in this book! It was phenomenal! And boy does the shiz hit the fan! Another thing that I just loved about Deity was that, just like in the previous books and right smack in the middle of this book, it’s like BAM!... something crazy happens, and it feels like it came out of nowhere! And then I’m left thinking, “What the heck is going to happen now? Isn’t this craziness supposed to happen at the end? Can the end even compete with this?” And the answer to my questions each time is, “OH YEAH, it gets 100 times better than this!”
Aside from the craziness, there are scenes that would leave me with tears streaming down my face, but then the very next scenes would have me literally laughing out loud. Can it get better than that? And last, but not least, there are the intensely hot scenes and the outright heart melting scenes…all that gooey romance stuff that we love so much. Well, at least that I love so much!
One thing I will have to say is that I wish I had read this book earlier on, probably the moment I received it in the mail because some people revealed a pretty big spoiler for me. I don’t think I could have escaped the spoiler even though I’m pretty good at avoiding them, but it still sucks! I don’t even think these people realize they are revealing a spoiler by talking about “it” or by putting “it” in their reviews. And, if I didn’t know about it, I think this particular thing would have had me suspicious, in denial or (best of all) it would have caught me totally by surprise…especially, because I already knew about a specific character that I shouldn’t trust. And I honestly think I would have flipped my freakin’ lid and I would not have been able to function! Too bad I already knew about “it” because I think I over-analyzed the situation…and I would have preferred the full-on, freak-out mode!
OH! I can’t forget to talk about the characters! There’s a new character who’s introduced that I’m really excited to learn more about. His name is Solos and I feel like I didn’t get enough of him yet. We do get a good mix of both Aidan and Seth, so I’m super happy with that. And I think there is more of a black and white feeling now about who can and can’t be trusted. But ’m sure we’ll still have some crazy betrayals in future books; I mean…COME ON…it’s a Jennifer L. Armentrout book we’re talking about here! But there are a lot of things brought out in the open in Deity and I’m very happy about that.
Aside from the major disappointment with that spoiler, this book was still an amazing read. And, once again, I’m left with having to wait for the next book in this series. OH! And before I forget, the ending of this book has a killer and totally amazing cliffhanger. I’m excited but at the same time completely terrified by how this series will continue.

I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH!! Fortunately I avoided ALL DISCUSSIONS,SQUEEING and practically ANY info about this book BEFORE I read it like the plague so I was very surprised with all the twists and turns
Krazyyme @ Young Readers
I am starting this next week!! I have been trying not to read too many reviews of it for fear of being spoiled, but so far so good. I only read reviews on blogs that I know are really good about not putting spoilers or label with spoiler tags. I am so excited to start this!! I wanted to read it the moment it came in the mail too, but I controlled myself.
Great review! I've been dying to read Deity and it sounds like it's well worth the wait! However, I hate cliffhangers! Lol. My patience at waiting for new books stinks, but it's clearly effective because I find myself buying JLA's books as soon as they are released!
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