The first round will start Thursday, December 1st! Advocates have been posted and "I" (you know...Mindy...HELLO???) am the advocate for Sophie in the fab-tab-u-lous series HEX HALL! She is one kick @ss chick!
Sophie first goes up against Luna from Harry Potter! And I have a good feeling about this first round!
I'm working on posting media for all of you #TeamSophie fans to post on your blogs for support!

I still haven't read Hex Hall yet, another book series that is waiting on my bookshelves to be read.
Team Sophie! She is amazing! I'm so glad to see her in the tournament. :D
Congrats on being an advocate! I'm so excited for this. Good luck!
I love your buttons! They're awesome! Can you send me the button with the grab code, I'd love to put it up on the Annex to help spread the word. <3 Sophie! :)
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