And what an awesome year it was! How did I attract 775 awesome followers? How did I surpass 50,000 pageviews? Who the heck knows? I don't, but I'm more than delighted, ecstatic, trilled, elated and euphoric…because I owe it all to you!!!
So, starting tomorrow and continuing for the next few weeks I will be running a lot of AWESOME book giveaways! Not just awesome books, but most of these awesome books are SIGNED! Yep…a few months back I started a collection just for this event. And I’m soooooo excited to do it! Because what I love most about book blogging are all the totally awesome friends I’ve made!
I’ve also got some really exciting news! If you haven’t already noticed, my blog has had an extreme blog makeover, and I’ve now got a new personalized avatar! My punk-rock, kick-butt avi defines all that is awesomesauce! My new blog design is more than drool worthy, and it’s all thanks to the unbelievably talented Parajunkee from Parajunkee Design. So thanks Parajunkee!!! The wait is totally worth it!
So make sure you stop by tomorrow to take advantage of my first giveaway! And make sure you also stop by Parajunkee Design below!

A huge congrats to you, Mindy! Great new blog design, too. I look forward to your celebratory giveaways.
I. LOVE. IT. This new design totally rocks!! Congrats on both the design and the the blogoversary :)
Congrats on the milestone, Mindy!! I love the new look, too!
Congratulations and happy blogoversary! Your site looks amazing! Parajunkee is AWESOME!
I can't wait to see all the little elements you've got! :) <3 this!!!!
Happy blogoversary! Love the new look. :D
Congratulations, Mindy! You are a sweetheart and all around awesome person. Congratulations on your milestone!
Happy blogoversay. I love the new blog design.
yey happy blogoversary!
My blog turned One on March 4 :)
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO YOU!!!! You made it thru a full year. That's great. Celebrate responsibly, if that's possible.
Congrats Mindy, that is so awesome :) !! I love your new blog design, the header looks gorgeous !!
I really can't wait to see these book giveaways, that is so awesome but you should be the one gettting gifts actually :) !!
Have an awesome evening (I don't really know what time it is in the US; sorry ...)
Congratulations!! I love your new blog design and avatar!! It rocks!! Parajunkee did an amazing job!!
Congrats Mindy!
LOVE the new design!!! And Congrats!!! Blogoversaries are so exciting!!! :-)
Congratulations!! Your blog looks totally amazing. Have fun celebrating your success. It's so cool how much you've done in just one year!!
So awesome! Congratulations. You totally deserve it. Your blog rocks, and you are a super sweet person.
Love the new site, Mindy!
Oh my gosh! Now all the books you had me get signed for you toootttallly make sense! haha Okay *clears throat* so first of all, CONGRADULATIONS!!! You have worked so hard and you totally deserve to celebrate and party like a rock star! Which you are totally doing. I only know a hint of all the awesomesauce going on this week, and it's gonna blow people's minds. Second, the new blog design is AMAZING!!! I LOVE it! So proud of you and everything you have accomplished! And it has been so nice getting to know you! :)
Congratulations on your blogoversary! I can only hope to reach that mark too. And wow, your layout is great. Parajunkee did a wonderful job on it.
Happy Blogoversary! And I LOVE the new design!
Happy Blogoversary.. I really love the new look
thanks for giveaway
Krazyyme @ Young Readers
A great big congrats to you for making it a successful year. I have just started a blog and hope to be successful as well. I love your design! Oh, I grabbed your button!
Heather at Red Headed Bookworm
congrats! we started at about the same month then! :) :) i love your new blog design!
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