Aimée Carter was born and raised in Michigan, where she currently resides. She started writing at age eleven and later attended the University of Michigan, graduating with a degree in screen arts and cultures. Currently she spends her time continuing with The Goddess Test series and working on new projects. You can tweet her at @aimee_carter or catch updates on her website.
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For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country.
If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister's niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter.
There's only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed …and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that's not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she's only beginning to understand.
Amazon ☆ IndieBound ☆ Barnes & Noble ☆ Book Depository
Mindy: Hi Aimée! Thank you so much for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! I’m more than a little excited that you are visiting for the release of Pawn!
Aimée: Hi Mindy! Thanks so much for having me!
Mindy: Can you describe Pawn in 10 words or less?!
Aimée: Twisty meritocracy dystopian without a love triangle.
Mindy: I’m a huge fan of your Goddess Test series! To write your Goddess Test series, I’m sure you had to already know a lot about Greek Mythology, or you had to do a lot of research on the subject. Did you have to do any research before writing Pawn and/or before creating the world for the entire The Blackcoat Rebellion series?
Aimée: I studied politics in college, and the various kinds of society always fascinated me. But as far as direct research goes, while I definitely abused Wikipedia for certain things, especially geographical locations, much of the groundwork for the society the protagonist lives in has already been set up by our own modern world.
Mindy: Was it easier for you to write in an Urban Fantasy setting or in a Dystopian setting?
Aimée: Writing in a dystopian setting was definitely something new for me – but it was great to stretch those writing muscles and really see what my brain could come up with.
Mindy: How many books will be in The Blackcoat Rebellion series?
Aimée: Three. The first, PAWN, is out November 26th. The second, CAPTIVE, will be out late next year, and the third, QUEEN, will likely be released in 2015.
Mindy: Do you already know how the The Blackcoat Rebellion series will end?
Aimée: I’ve been kicking around a few ideas, but I’m not entirely sure what’s going to stick yet – I’m extremely excited to find out though!
Getting to know Aimée:
Phobia or fear? I’m severely cleithrophobic, which basically means I’m terrified of being trapped. Often confused with claustrophobia, but I don’t mind small spaces as long as I know I can get out of them.
Guilty pleasure? Harry Potter. And movies.
Strange quirks? If I were to start listing them, we’d be here all day.
Facebook or Twitter? I use both, but I prefer Twitter.
Most visited online website?, Facebook, Twitter, and
Kindle or Nook? Nook, though I own both
Preferred weapon? Words
Top 5 authors that inspire you? JK Rowling, Terry Brooks, Suzanne Collins, John Saul, Anne Bishop
Top 5 fave movies? Closer, The Lion King, Spice World (I know, I know), Blow Dry, Stardust. I also love Easy A and No Strings Attached, along with about a hundred others.
Top 5 fave books? You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?
Favorite TV show and/or movie when you were a kid? Hercules and Xena. I loved The Santa Clause, too – I saw it so many times in theatres that I can still quote it. But The Lion King is and always will be my favorite kids’ movie.
Thanks again Aimée for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! You’re a rockstar!!!

All entries into the daily giveaway count towards the grand prize giveaway of a HarlequinTEEN tote bag full of books! Including 2 copies of PAWN, Crash Into You , Waterfell, Witchstruck and and ARC of White Hot Kiss!
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Monday, November 11th - Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
Wednesday, November 13th - Me, My Shelf and I
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It's so cool that Aimee's degree helped her write a dystopian:)
I'd love to read this because I LOVE her books:)
Thank you:)
I got to read an egalley and finished it yesterday of the best books I've read this year. I really liked that the romance and graphic violence were toned down so that is okay to recommend to younger readers. I'd love to have a printed copy to reread and share with friends. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway.
I'm super excited to read Pawn because I've been dying for a YA dystopian that will stand out and I'm hoping this will be the one! Plus, Aimee Carter is an amazing author! Thanks for the giveaway.
I heard so many good things about Pawn so I can't wait to read it. Besides I loved the Goddess Trilogy so definitely I've to check this one out.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I am SO excited for Pawn because I LOVE Aimee's writing and I am excited to see how this new series is!! Plus I am a HUGE fan of dystopian reads, so you take the two and combine it and it's basically bound to be AMAZING!!
I'm excited to read Pawn because *Gasp* I haven't read any books from Aimee Carter yet. But I would love to read Pawn as my first book from Aimee. Thanks for the giveaway! ^_^
I was reading about this book earlier today and I thought that Kitty's dilemma sounded like quite a tricky one. I'd be interested to see how she deals with all the repercussions. Thanks for the giveaway.
Excited because it sounds so awesome and have heard a lot of great things about Aimee's writing!
This sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing :)
Really, really want this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It sounds very interesting and I love finding new books by authors I haven't heard of!!
This sounds interesting! I love dystopian reads!
I actually already read Pawn, and it was absolutely incredible. Great interview!
I want to read this book so bad it has been on my to read list for awhile!!! Thank you for the amazing giveaway!!!
PAWN sounds like it's going to be awesome!! I've heard lots of great things about it from people who have gotten lucky enough to read it already and that makes me super excited to read it!! I love Aimée Carter's work!!
Great Interview I am excited for Pawn because I heard awesome reviews about it thanks for the great giveaway!
I loved The Goddess Test, so I can't wait to read Pawn!
I've heard great things about this book. It sounds like a very interesting concept.
I love Amiee Carter so I'll read anything with her name on it. :)
I love the Lion King too! And I can't wait for this book! ;)
There isn't a love triangle? Count me in!
I am impatiently waiting to get my hands on a copy of this book. And no love triangle, not that I don't love them, it's just a refreshing change :)
I absolutely love Aimee Carter! The Goddess Test series was amazing! Thanks for the giveaway :D
Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway! I am absolutely ready to read Pawn. First off, because Aimee Carter is an awesome writer, and because the book just sounds awesome. Plus, I have heard nothing but great things about it. So yes, I am excited!
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