Hidden (Firelight Trilogy #3)Please read Magical Urban Fantasy Reads Official Rules for giveaways. Shipping is open International! Giveaway ends September 9, 2012 at 11:59pm EST. *NOTE* If the cost to ship the ARC of Hidden is equal to or greater than the cost for a finished copy from The Book Depository, then the winner may receive a finished copy.
Expected Publish Date: Sept 11, 2012
a Rafflecopter giveaway

my commenting name was Michelle @ Book Briefs ;)
My commenting name was Gisele.
My commenting name was Amanda Marie! :D
I commented as Steph on your Hidden review. Thanks for the giveaway!
Commenting name is Vivien
Cool, thank you for great contest :)
I didnt want to read it but ur review changed my mind. Thank you for the giveaway
Thank you for the AWESOME giveaway, Mindy! <3 I'm dying to read this book, and thanks again for making it international! <3 I comment as Hilda too on your review of Hidden. :)
Thanks for the international giveaway!!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway. New follower and I love your blog! :)
Thx for the giveaway i hope i'll be the lucky one ;)
Btw i've commented on your review of hidden, my nme is bonita
my name commenting : eli yanti
Thanks for the giveaway, and for making it international!
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Hi *waves* I ♥ me some comments! So comment away...