Goodreads Summary: Zoey Redbird is the youngest High Priestess in House of Night history and is the only person – vamp or fledgling – that can stop the evil Neferet from raising all kinds of immortal trouble. And she might just have a chance if she wasn’t so busy being dead.
Well, dead is too strong a word. Stevie Rae knows she can bring her BFF back from her unscheduled va-cay in the Otherworld. But it’s going to take a lot more than hoping to bring Zoey back. Stevie Rae will have to give up a few secrets of her own . .
My Take: The House of Night Series has been one of my favorite series but I am starting to get a little bored.
I liked reading the POV’s of everyone other than Zoey. One thing that irritated me was there was a lot of talking and the book would not progress.
Stevie Rae used to be one of my favorite characters but her betrayal and lies are really getting on my nerves. If Stevie Rae had confided with Kramisha she wouldn’t irritate me so much. I truly believe that what happens to Dallas is Stevie Rae’s fault.
Right now the only characters I care for are Stark and Aphrodite. I am really happy that Eric is now out of the picture.
I guess in all, I think this book could have been a whole lot better for being a completely separate book.

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