☆You can check out my Asylum review HERE!☆
☆☆☆Download Anathema (Causal Enchantment #1 ) for FREE RIGHT NOW!!!☆☆☆
★ Purchase paperback or download Anathema on Amazon HERE!
★ Purchase paperback of Anathema (Causal Enchantment #1) on BN.com HERE!
★ Download Nook Book of Anathema (Causal Enchantment #1) for FREE HERE!
★ Purchase Kindle Book of Asylum (Causal Enchantment #2) on Amazon HERE!
★ Purchase Anathema on Book Depository HERE!
★ Purchase Asylum(Causal Enchantment #2) on Book Depository HERE!
Giveaway is open from 12am to 11:59pm EST on January 2nd, 2012. ***ENDED***
Winner - Heather C.

Thanks for the giveaway!
thanks for giveaway and making it internationally
I love that Kathleen is Team Ash!! :) Great Vlog
Thanks for the link to the free BN download! I just put it on my Nook and now I can't wait to read it!
Great post! I have Anathema on my reader but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I def. love the covers!
Xpresso Reads
Great Vlog Kathleen!!!
And, all I wanna say is "C-astello A-sylum D-onya E-vangeline N-ervoso!!!!" LOL!!!
But I do have one question, "When are you going to get some posters made of your book covers?!!" ;~P
I'd have more questions, but it doesn't look like you're doing a question and answer session. Love your tight, economic (but never boring!!!) writing style, which makes a good story great. As they say, "There are people who can tell stories, people who can tell good stories, and people who can tell great stories." Uh huh, I think you fall in that last group!!!
Good luck on your tour and MUCH success...and, I agree, I think your books could be turned into great movies!!!!
Ummm...and sorry for being a stinker with that spoiler thingy... :-(
Joe P.
Thanks everyone! I HAD to do a Vlog after bugging Mindy about hers (I demanded that she keep doing them b.c they're great for getting to know people).
Joe- thank you for the kind words. I truly appreciate it :-) I do need to get on those posters, don't I... I promise, when I do, you will be the first to know! (or second... b.c Mindy will likely be the first :-) )
Yeah, I told her the same thing.
And, you're welcome; I truly meant every word. But I'll take them all back if I don't get my autographed posters...some day! LOL!
And, what?!!! No comment on my VERY clever Caden reference?!! Mann, it took me a long time to come up with that!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Joe a.k.a The Riddler - I'm still trying to translate it! I got a 'nervous' and a 'castle' but otherwise, I'm stumped! Spanish? Italian?!!
Yes... I did get your clever little play on CADEN, by the way :D
I LOVE your accent Kathleen! <3 <3 <3 it!
I love her accent too! ♥
Hey Kathleen! This might be too late to get to you now cause you've moved to another tour stop, but, yeah, it was Italian in honor of Viggo's roots :)
I had to find an Italian to English translator for "Castle Asylum, Lady Evangeline Nervous!" Haha...have a great tour!!!
Mindy & Jess - what accent? I don't have an accent. You guys have accents...:P
Joe - very clever!!!! LOL
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