Image from Penguin website taken by Gina Monroe

Andrea has always loved writing and has never stopped writing, but she only recently plunged into the deep end of the pool that is professional writing. When she's not writing, Andrea teaches history at a very nice liberal arts college in St. Paul.
In the little spare time she can find, Andrea stares up at trees, rescues infant rabbits from predatory cats, and invents names for pug puppies with her husband. She has an unfortunate tendency to spill things—white carpets beware!
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Coming Soon!
Click on the cover to see my review!

Release date:
December 10, 2013
The next thrilling novel in the internationally-bestselling Nightshade series!
Fans asked for it, and now they've got it! Andrea Cremer is continuing the story she began in in her internationally bestselling trilogy: Nightshade, Wolfsbane and Bloodrose. In this new installment, Bosque Mar haunts the dreams of both Adne and Logan, trying to escape for the Nether, where Calla, Shay and the other Guardians trapped him in the final battle in the War of All Against All. Will he turn Adne to the dark side? Will Logan reclaim his birthright? And will darkness take over our world? In a novel filled with magic, romance and breakneck action, master storyteller Andrea Cremer's newest installment will not disappoint!
Mindy's note: Check it out! After finishing Snakeroot, I tweeted Andrea asking her how many books will be in the Snakeroot series (Nightshade Legacy.) And she replied that there will be 3!!! Yeah! I'm so excited! See???
Newest Release!
Click on the cover to see my review!
A magical romance between a boy cursed with invisibility and the one girl who can see him, by New York Times bestselling authors Andrea Cremer and David Levithan. Click on the cover to see my review!
Stephen is used to invisibility. He was born that way. Invisible. Cursed.
Elizabeth sometimes wishes for invisibility. When you’re invisible, no one can hurt you. So when her mother decides to move the family to New York City, Elizabeth is thrilled. It’s easy to blend in there.
Then Stephen and Elizabeth meet. To Stephen’s amazement, she can see him. And to Elizabeth’s amazement, she wants him to be able to see her—all of her. But as the two become closer, an invisible world gets in their way—a world of grudges and misfortunes, spells and curses. And once they’re thrust into this world, Elizabeth and Stephen must decide how deep they’re going to go—because the answer could mean the difference between love and death.
From the critically acclaimed and bestselling authors Andrea Cremer, who wrote the Nightshade series, and David Levithan, who wrote Every Day and co-wrote Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist with Rachel Cohen and Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green, as well as many other novels, comes a remarkable story about the unseen elements of attraction, the mortal risks of making yourself known, and the invisible desires that live within us all.
Click on the covers to see my reviews.

Next Year's Release!

Me: Hey Andrea! My name is Mindy with Magical Urban Fantasy Reads. You have no idea how much I’m fangirling over here because I get to do a guest post with you for the 2nd Annual Authors Are Rockstars event! Squee!!!
I hope that what I’m going to say next conveys how special you are to me; YOU are THE very reason I discovered book blogging! I had been reading and reviewing books on goodreads for a while, and during that time I read Nightshade and I became a crazy fan. Like super crazy!!! And then I was totally freaked out that there were people out there who had already read Wolfsbane when it wasn’t even released yet. Well, I was determined to figure out how this could even happen, and during my research I discovered that you were running a giveaway on Twitter for an ARC of Wolfsbane. And that’s when I discovered book bloggers and book blogging! I was in utter awe!!! And I thought, “I want to do this!” And here I am today!
So welcome to Magical Urban Fantasy Reads!
Oh…I’ve got people reading this? Sorry! Hey readers, I’d like to introduce…(drum roll)….
Andrea Cremer!
And guest what? I only just found this out! Today is Andrea Cremer's Birthday!!!
Mindy: Back to you Andrea! For your guest post, I’ve put together a few questions that I’m super curious about. So here it goes!!!!
What are your most memorable moments in your writing history? The good, the bad and the ugly!
Andrea: Thanks so much for having me, Mindy – and I’m honored that Nightshade brought you to book blogging!
The best moments in writing for me are those where I totally lose myself in the world of the book and reality just falls away. Bad is when life intrudes on that unique time and I’m unable to do as much writing as I want. Ugly is pulling an all-nighter to meet a deadline. I get really cranky when I’m tired!
Mindy: We Nightshade fans are all super excited that we get another Nightshade book! What characters can we expect to see in Snakeroot?
Andrea: I’m so excited for readers to join me on this next stage of the journey into the Nightshade world. I can’t say too much about what takes place in Snakeroot, but I can tell you that the focus shifts from the Guardians to the Searchers, particularly Adne, Connor, Ethan, and Sabine. You’ll also see what Logan Bane has been up to since he managed to escape the final battle at Rowan Estate.
Mindy: Do you think we Nightshade fans will have a happy surprise (or a few surprises!) with one or more of the characters that will be in Snakeroot?”
Andrea: There is one REALLY big surprise that I hope fans will be thrilled about. That’s all I can say about that.
Mindy: You upset quite a few Nightshade fans with the ending of Bloodrose. Personally, I was OK with “that one particular thing” that happened in Bloodrose that a lot of people were upset about, but I was completely stunned by what happened to the majority of the characters at the end of the book, and I’m not sure I like it! LOL Did you expect this response from your fans or were you surprised?
Andrea: I always know the ways that my books will end and I knew how things would play out for the Guardians and Searchers in Bloodrose even as I was writing Nightshade. I wasn’t surprised that readers had such strong, and sometimes negative, reactions to the end of the trilogy and I understand why they feel how they feel. For me, the story trumps everything and some parts of the Nightshade story are bittersweet while others are downright tragic and totally unfair. Wrapping everything up in a pretty bow doesn’t smack of truth to me and I’d rather tell a painful story than a false one.
Mindy: I thought that Invisibility, which you co-wrote with David Levithan, was so much fun! Are there any other authors that you would like to co-write with?
Andrea: Writing with David was an extraordinary experience. He’s such a talented writer and a wonderful person – we had a blast writing the book and out on tour. I hope to write with David again! Oooh – there are so many talented writers out there I can’t pick!!! Next question!
Mindy: And finally . . .
Do you have an upcoming project in the works that you can give us any teasers about?
Andrea: I have two other books coming out in the next twelve months. The first is Captive, which is set in the world of Nightshade but is an erotic romance (read NC-17, you are forewarned!) The adult novels, which are being published by Dutton/Penguin Random House, focus on stories that are pivotal in the Nightshade world but have much darker and mature themes. Captive will be in stores October 22.
The second book is the beginning of a brand new series and I’m so excited about it! The Inventor’s Secret is the first book in a YA steampunk trilogy that brings together my passion for history and fantasy. In the world of The Inventor’s Secret the American Revolution failed and a mechanized British Empire is slowly overtaking the North American continent. The plot follows a group of teenage exiles who are children of men and women still resisting imperial encroachment. The story is full of intrigue, crazy machines, action, and of course, romance! The Inventor’s Secret will be in stores April 17, 2014.
Mindy: OMG! I'm going to be EXTREMELY Impatiently Waiting The Inventor's Secret. Thank you for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! This is a moment I’ll never forget!!!
Andrea: Thank you for the great questions, Mindy!

- This giveaway is hosted by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
- 3 Winners will receive 1 copy of their choice from any of Andrea Cremer's books already released. - Here's the list of choices for the giveaway:
- 1 ARC Copy available of Snakeroot (Used: it's my copy that I just read)
- Nightshade
- Wolfsbane
- Bloodrose
- Rift
- Rise
- Invisibility
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I've only read the first book by Andrea but the story won me over! I can not wait to read his other books ... thanks for the opportunity. ^-^
Happy Birthday Andrea!!!
I haven't read any of her books :( but the look amazing! Heard great things about them :) :)
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Great interview. I love Andrea's books. And I can't believe how many books she produces every year while working. She's amazing.
I would love to read Andrea's books. I feel as if I am the only person who hasn't read them. :(
I have actually had Andrea's books on my TBR list for a while. I always hear how great they are so I've decided to give them a try :)
I have never read any of her books but I did loved Invisibility's blurb so much that I have it on my TBR other than that I was not aware about any other books by her
I only read Nightshade because I haven't got the chance to read the others, but I loved it a lot!!!
I haven't read any of her books yet, but they are already on my tbr pile! Can't wait to read all of them!
No, I haven't read any of her books yet, and that is killing me! I've heard so many fantastic things about them, and they seem so interesting!
First off Happy Birthday Andrea!
Not only have I read her books, I'm also a huge fan of her writing and fantasy world with historical influences.
I can't wait for Snakeroot, and the next book of the Prequel of Nigthshade(I want to know what happen next for Ember and Barrow!) even though she hadn't said anything about book 3.
Also I'm highly curious about her new genre writing Erotica but set in the Nightshade world. So yes I'm purring out of happiness, so come on lets bring 2014 into gear!
I haven't, but she sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing!
First Happy Birthday Andrea!!!!
Second awesome post Mindy! I'm so happy you are co-hosting this event with us this year <33333333
Happy Bday! :) Love the books!
I haven't had a chance to read any of Andrea's books yet, but they sound awesome!
I have read Andrea's Nightshade series and love it!!! I read the first prequel book as well
Oh my god! Mindy!! Your intro is so cute!!! I WISH I could, some time, someway... Before I die, get to host the authors that are the reason why I'm a book blogger, but seriously, they're just too huge and too awesome but still :D
I completely get your fangirling moment!!
And happy-belated-birthday to Andrea!!!
I can't believe Nightshade's story is continuing! NOW I'm really really tempted to pick up where I left of, which would require me rereading Nightshade in the first place and then-waggle eyebrows- end with the book you got me ;)
I still cannot forget all the reactions I read about how she finished Bloodrose and that's the only thing that until this day continues to make me wary of finishing the trilogy but after this post plus knowing there's more to the story I'm really really tempted, as I said.
:D I'm also in need to get her book co-wroted with David Levithan, I've read one of his books that was also co-wroted(with John Green no less!) and I loved his writing along with J.G's so here's for me getting their book!
Thanks for the interview and I'm really REALLY looking forward to her take on steampunk! IT's one of the few, if not only, genres that contain history or that happen in the past that I'm willing to read.
And so happy for you Mindy!! You got to host your rockstar author!!!
Love Love Nightshade!!!!!!
I haven't but I'm hoping to!! A few of my friends have recommended it to me, but I haven't been able to buy myself a copy of one of her books (or any book, really). Thank you!!
I haven't read any of them but I've heard great things and recommendations from friends! Thank you for the giveaway :)
I love andrea's books! I've read four of them and I just...I can't. GAH!!!
Grace radford
they sound intriguing; haven't read them yet
I haven't read any of her books yet, but they do sound amazing.
I haven't read any of her books yet but they sound really good. I can't wait to read them. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love her books! I've read all but Snakeroot and Rise, but I have Rise on my TBR list for September.
I really enjoy every book of hers I have read.
Sadly I did not read anything of her until now but I will get on it :)
I read Nightshade and I have a copy of Wolfsbane to read. I recently read Invisibility and I did really enjoy it! Thanks for the giveaway and guest post - Andrea sounds awesome!
I haven't had the chance to read any of her books yet but I have heard of them :) I can't wait to get to read them sometime. Thanks for the Giveaway!
Happy Birthday Andrea!!
I LOVED Nightshade, it's one of my favorites books. Unfortunalely I don't have book #2 and #3 so I have no idea how the story unfolds.
But I'm seriously dying to see what happens next. Plus, Andrea is super nice :)
I really really like them!! I cannot wait to read Inventor's Secret and Snakeroot!!
I've drooled over the covers....a lot....but haven't had the pleasure of reading any.
I haven't read any of her books. I have read many good reviews about her books and I really love the story of Invisibility.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Raffle name: Artemis
I have read Nightshade and really liked it. I been wanting to finish the series for awhile now because I keep hearing so many great things about them. I love her writing style and characters :).
NO, unfortunately I haven't read any of her books yet! Gosh Nightshade has been on my TBR for, like, EVER! Gah!
Lol I'd totally be fangirl ing if I got to host one of my favorite authors too! You go, girl!
Dee @ Dee's Reads
I've only read nightshade and I really enjoyed it. I need to catch up so I can read the newest one!
I've read and loved all of her released books except Invisibility! I don't own any of them though, so I would love to win a copy!
Thanks for the giveaway! I have read all her books except for Snakeroot and Invisibility. <3
-Cali W.
All of them are FANTASTIC!! I absolutely love her writing! Thanks for the giveaway!
I've read all of Andrea Cremer's books, and I love them so much! Can't wait for Snakeroot :D
I haven't read any of them but I've heard they're awesome!
I LOVE them!!
I've never read any of them, but I've always wanted to! I keep seeing them everywhere I go :)
Haven't read any of her books yet,but heard great things about them!
I haven't read any yet but can't wait to. Thank you!
I've read Nightshade and Wolfsbane, but have been scared to read Bloodrose. I love her writing and the world she created!
I've read her nightshade series except Blood rose, but I'm dying to read it.. Your Rock Ms. CRemer :D
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